Tim Barrus: Often, it’s arrogance itself that would marginalize us at every step, every step, there is a Mitch McConnel inside your head.

I am a communist. Capitalism fails. Property Real estate is ephemeral. It can be washed away. It can be burned to the ground. It can slide down a hill. Government can build a road through it. Gas wells. Oil wells. None of this needs your permission. Floods move it a hundred miles. You have no rights. Local government can condemn your property. State government can condemn your property. Local schools can turn your children over to Protective Services on a whim. You cannot sue. Even if you could sue, do you have Big Bucks to face Big Energy’s legal department which employs over a hundred lawyers per company. Your attorney will look at you, considering the competition, a shaking of the legal head. “I am so glad we are not going against these guys. These are serious people and they will hurt you to get what they want.” I have had snakes put under my house in the crawl space. I don’t know how this happens, but one got into the toilet. Do not shoot the toilet. It cost thousands to get rid of the snakes.  A corporation tried cutting my old oaks down. At night. Those are so big, so tall, so thriving, I had them evaluated at 1,500 years. 1,500 years, no one will remember America. Why would they. They want to mine coal on my mountain. Mountaintop Removal. Someone cut off the head of a bear, and put it on my porch. Big ugly stain. NYT has made it very clear to writers. Leave anything you write on happiness. Happiness and brotherhood are required. People don’t want sadness. They want stories they think they understand.