Bone Spurs: Tim Barrus: New York Times

The latest Democratic debate only forces me to wonder what the fuck. WHY. BOTHER.

The Nazis are not going to allow you to win shit.

Nevertheless, the debate was fascinating. Most of the actors played themselves. Their messages were more finely tuned that at any time before. That was not a surprise.

Except for Buttigieg.

He was tired but ramrod stiff. No pun intended. Well, maybe a little weeny pun.

His answers were like a tape goes on. He can’t talk about the issues spontaneously like Bernie talking to his neighbors. He fears making a mistake.

I wanted to support him, but he makes it distasteful. For me, there is the issue of privilege. Privileged gay white men are hardly novel.

And not just plain old privilege, but of an inability to recognize the extent of that privilege. Buttigieg knows all about his advantaged status. He’s smart, but they’re all smart.

What he has trouble recognizing and articulating is the extent to which the breadth of that status effects everything. Not just your jobs. Not just your ideas (none of which will get past Moscow Mitch). But your lack of connection to voters who have been left out of the system their entire lives.

Much of the Democratic base.

The working class does not belong exclusively to Trump. Buttigieg did one thing that caused me to sit up and listen.

Bone Spurs. He actually said it. It was his only fiery moment. I wish he would let himself have more.


An entire campaign could be based on those two words. Forget all the other arguments. Bone spurs over and over and over again goes to the heart of who and what Trump is. For every Trump attack there is one response.

Bone spurs says it all.