Tim Barrus, New York Times

Ezra Klein is right. He just doesn’t know how right he is.

Now that he has a kid…

Ezra is usually focused on public policy. I cannot focus on public policy because it is a humanitarian nightmare. It serves the rich.

Who else.

Ezra and his Ezra clones find it difficult to see the moral issues of what is work. Work is not slavery. Ezra, to his credit, wants to see a child allowance as public policy. I would agree if it weren’t for the rich who wade in with their lawyers, advocates, nonprofits that are anything but, and economic advisors (DC loves economic advisors who are lawyers, lobbyists, advocates from the pig industry, and advisers to windmill farms in Texas).

Our current system rewards the rich, the super rich, and the stupid rich who live off Big Daddy’s trust fund. None of these moronic people can be trusted worth bullshit. Nevertheless, the system rewards them. They think nothing of spending the kind of cash for lunch that is gargangtuan compared to what a special education bus driver makes in a year.  There is no cake to eat.

A child allowance would be transformative. Conservatives cringe. Public policy rarely transforms a single thing, a single person, a single class of people – hold that thought – I forgot the rich. Corporations are not people. Corporations are the rich. The coporate WELFARE is breathtaking. The corporate rich who accumulate wealth in numbers Homo sapien has never seen before are beneath contempt. How do they rip us off. WELFARE  is how. We give breaks to the rich that the lower-class would become the middle-class, and the middle-class would become the upper-middle-class, and the rich would just be the boring rich which they already are.

Tax the rich. Tax them and tax them and tax them. Tax them so heavily that they have to go out to get a real job. Playing golf is not a real job. Sitting in an office all day surrounded by your slaves is not a real job. Hiding out from the pandemic in your upstate mansion is not a real job. A real job is being a day care aid assistant, a Head Start aid assistant, a special education aid assistant. Special education bus driver. Force the rich to learn about how the rest of us live – at minimum wage – by requiring the rich to assume any of these jobs (special education bus driver with a bus filled with wheelchairs is my favorite) for the minimum amount of time of forty-seven years, and no gold watch. Lunch would be out of a paper bag, and starting the bus in the frigid morning, if they start at all, begins at 4am. You have real work to do. Now. Begin