Tim Barrus, New York Times


The choices are clear. The history is clear. The darkness we live in has become very clear to eyes that have grown accustomed to stumbling. To listening to hate, the sight of the noose, and walking into walls. I cannot think of one good thing the Republican party has produced. Not one in a hundred years. History often speaks with silent eyes of condemnation. The Republican party is not even all that conflicted to its All-Hail-Praises of a criminal. We are not alone in evil. Rome, Vichy France, Germany, every country in South America, every country in Central America, the UK monarchy, every country in Africa, China, Russia, Italy, Prussia, Persia, Greece, – the list is endless – have all at one time or another been ruled by criminals prone to genocide, greed, and the noose. I own legal guns because I am afraid. That makes me as evil as the next man. If I am going to throw the term evil around, I admit I have no idea what evil means. But I don’t care. Do you. I know it when I see it. Kids in cages was evil. ICE is evil. Being called to the capitol building to destroy it was evil. Hungry children in rich America is evil. Turning our backs to climate change is evil. Hoarding your money is evil. Murdering small children in school, and it did happen, is evil. It is clear even in the darkness, America is evil. The Republican party simply symbolizes it. There is nothing to be done. You are not capable of change. Come Together? There is no hope for it. Homo sapiens are evil.