Tim Barrus New York Times

Democracy is so yesterday. It’s the stranger who came to town. The kind of democracy we yearn for is always waiting in the wings. Rich old white men have owned what they call democracy as if the thing itself was the magician’s assistant you could cut in two, and then make her disappear entirely. We pay homage to the founding fathers because looking back at the past is less threatening – we kinda know what happened, and if we don’t, we make it up – but we have no crystal ball. The future is an animal that does not lend itself to control.

Democracy is about control. Monarchy is about control. Dictatorships are about control. Republics are about control. Communism is about control. A commonwealth is about control. Electocracy is about control. Kleptocracies are about control. Narco-states are about control.

Founding fathers are about patriarchy. Politicians are about the wind. Power is where the money is. Guns are the mythology of power. Every man for himself is about murder and chaos. Americans love murder and chaos. We don’t have a Colosseum. We have TV. If you have, not a television, but television, you have the country. We are in essence pop cultural slaves to the idea of television which can portray us as heroic with our guns strapped to us not unlike our history of death. Democracy or no democracy, what we worship is not our guns, it’s death.

We are the political state who unleashed the gun of the atomic bomb on other human beings. We are a deathocracy come to town.
